Home » Why Premix?

Why Premix?


I have first come to know the existence of baking premixes since 2005, when my mum started her business back in Penang. Since then, I have been fascinated by the idea! And I thought baking premixes is such a genius invention! Here’s why:

  1. Convenience:
    Baking premixes include everything you need (almost!). So you don’t need to worry about leftover flour that sits at the back of your pantry forever and cracking up ideas in what to do with it. And, less mess in the kitchen.
  2. Cost effective:
    Believe it or not, I certainly have spent way too much on food. Baking premixes provides the best of both worlds in satisfying your cravings without breaking your wallet at the same time.
  3. Healthy:
    All premixes are made with high quality and all natural ingredients. There are no preservatives or any chemicals in them. Rest assured, you and your family can devour yummy desserts with a peace of mind.
  4. High success rate:
    All premixes are derived from recipes passed down for generations, and have been tested and sold for many years in Malaysia. We make sure the instructions are clear and easy to follow, and the end product is yummy!
  5. Last but not least, sense of achievement!

    Since lockdown strikes, there are so much time to spare at home. Why not make use of the time to make delicious treats your own, and impress everyone with your baking skills 🙂

    HomeBakes Premix Recipe aim to provide our customers with affordable, easy to follow instructions, and high quality baking premixes. We take pride in our recipes and hope more people would not forget and continue to pass down the beautiful culture of nyonya cuisine. Let’s get baking with HomeBakes!’

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